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The Cathedral Church, also known as St. John's the Baptist Church, was originally built between 1098 and 1132.
It has been almost entirely rebuilt, following the original design, after the earthquake in 1743.
Inside one can admire a polychrome mosaic from 1178 and a crown in wood from 1594.

Here Ruggiero, son of Tancredi, was crowned King of Sicily in the year 1191, and in the year 1225 celebrations were held for the marriage of Isabella of Brienne, queen of Jerusalem, to the emperor Federico II.

Valuable paintings of several ages are collected in the chapels, sacristy and altars.

A chapel is dedicated to St.Teodoro's relics, the Saint of the city togheter with Saint Lawrence.

It's located side by side to the cathedral's bell tower, that was completed in 1795; from the other side there are the Bishop's palace and Seminary building, built in 1720 by using the materials obtained from the demolished Basilica of Saint Leucio.

Photogallery - Click on the thumbnails to enlarge
Cathedral Square
Polychrome mosaic
S.Teodoro's Chapel
Correlated documents:
» The other monuments in Cathedral Square
» Then and now - how things change with time...
Map of the churches

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