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Monuments - ROMAN COLUMN

The Roman Columns rests has always been considered the symbol of Brindisi.
For many years the columns, thought to symbolise the ending of the road, 'Via Appia', was (probably) a referral of that time to navigators of the port of Brindisi.

Of the two twin columns only one is intact, with a sculptured capital, at the top, recently replaced with a copy. Nowadays the original capital is into the museum of Nervegna Building, it's decorated with four anthropomorphic figures, one for each side, depicting Neptune, facing the sea, on the side opposed Jupiter, Mars and Minerva on the other two sides.

The other column, which fell in 1528, only the base and a rock are still in place; the other part was given as a gift to the city of Lecce, to form a part of the column to St. Oronzo.

On the right of the square are the remains of the house in which the Latin poet Virgil died.


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