1kg Flour, 40g yeast, 130g Olive oil, 200g Dry white
wine, Salt, Honey Cinnamon, Icing Sugar, Hundreds
and Thousands (coloured sugar balls). |
Mix the flour together with the dissolved yeast
(in a little water), together with the olive oil
the white wine and the salt. Work the dough to
a smooth and velvety consistency. If you find
the dough a little tough, add some warm water.
Allow to rest and rise for approximately 3-4 hours,
or even more if necessary, covered with a damp
kitchen cloth.
Divide the dough by making small ball, similar
to buns and flatten these out with a rolling pin
to obtain very thin circular discs. With a pastry
roller, cut these into wide strips, similar to
a broad fettuccine approximately 3-4cm wide and
20-30cm long. Form a spiral circle with these
strips, tightly bound, with the gagger edge, obtained
by the pastry cutter, facing up, so that it looks
like a crown. Pinch the ends closed so that they
do not open up when frying. Allow these small
crowns to rest for approximately one hour covered
with a damp kitchen towel and after this, fry
them in hot olive oil until they turn golden brown.
Drain well and place them onto absorbent paper
to drain the excess oil. Dip these into heated
honey which you would have prepared separately
and be careful not to break these fragile “cartellete”
when doing so. Place tem onto a serving dish and
stacked in pyramid form. Sprinkle over with some
cinnamon, icing sugar and also the coulourful
hundreds and thousands.