Ingredients for four
500g large black mussels, 200g bread crumbs,
50g grated pecorino cheese, 1 egg, 2 table spoons
of chopped parsley, 2 small garlic cloves, 1
small onion, 500g Italian peeled tomato's, salt
and pepper to taste, extra virgin olive oil.
Preparation time: 40 minutes
Level of difficulty: Medium.
Cooking time: 25-30 min - Cost: Low
Clean the mussels carefully and thoroughly with
a knife, steel brush and strain.
In a bowl, mix together the breadcrumbs, cheese,
salt pepper and half the quantity of parsley.
Add one clove of finely chopped garlic and two
tablespoons of olive oil.
Very carefully and with the help of a small knife,
open the mussels so that they are half open but
at the same time, keeping the shells held together,
then fill each mussel with the prepared stuffing.
Close the mussels and tie them closed with a piece
of kitchen string.
Finely chop the other clove of garlic with the
small onion and fry them gently in a little oil
for approximately 5-6 minutes. Add the peeled
tomatoes, which have been crushed, and sieved
and cook these for a further 15 minutes.
Add the mussels to the sauce a continue cooking
at a medium heat for another 10 minutes.
Untie each mussel and serve with a sprinkle with
the remaining fresh copped parsley.