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Orecchiette with Cauliflower

Orecchiette is originally, a hand made pasta, shaped as a small ear, hence the name "orecchiette'. Today you will find them machine made and packed dry and are of excellent quality. They are made from the simple ingredients of flour and water and are also known to be made with whole wheat flour.

Ingredients for 4 persons:
1 Cauliflower, 400g Orecchiette pasta (freshly made or dry), extra virgin olive oil, salt, chili, parsley, 5 tomato's, de-boned anchovies, breadcrumbs, garlic, grated pecorino cheese.

Cut the cauliflower into pieces, preserving their heads and wash with care.
Bring a pot of salted water to the boil and add the cauliflower heads, allow these to boil for 10 to 15 minutes. (The cauliflower must be 'al dente' and not over boiled). Now you can add the orechiette (fresh, and if not, pre-boil the dry packet type)
Separately, fry the garlic in a frying pan with some oil then adding the tomatoes which are cut in pieces and soften these for about 10 minutes. Add the salt at this stage as well as the anchovies which are in pieces and the chili.
Strain the orechietti when cooked, with the cauliflower. Place them into a serving dish and dress them with the sauce you have prepared, add the toasted breadcrumbs and the pecorino cheese. Serve hot.

Follow the procedure as above and then place the dish in the oven for a few minutes and serve au gratin

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