for four persons:
400g clean and delicate anchovies; 50g grated
cheese (parmesan); 50g bread; crumbs; 1 lemon,
not grated; 1 egg; parsley, salt, pepper and oil
for frying.
Wash the fillets of anchovies under running water
and pat them dry with a paper towel.
Next, wash the lemon and grate the rind. Slice
the lemon in half and extract the juice. Chop
a handful of fresh parsley and set aside.
In a mixing bowl, place the anchovies, the egg
the lemon rind and two tablespoons of the lemon
juice. Add the parsley, the grated cheese, salt
pepper and half the quantity of breadcrumbs.
Mix all this together with your hands and once
combined, shape these into balls the size of a
Roll them and coat in the remainder of the breadcrumbs.
Drop them into hot and abundant oil for frying.
Serve these tasty delicacies with a wedge of lemon.