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Lemon liqueur

850 gr. powdered sugar, a blender, 2 green and 2 yellow lemons, not too ripe, 3 tender lemon leaves, 1 vanilla bean, 1 liter of water, 750 ml. of pure alcohol at 95 °.

Peel the lemons, taking care not to include the pith. With a sharp knife cut the peel into strips, put these in a container sealed with 200 cl of alcohol, let this steep for 1 week in a cool, dark place..
After the week has lapsed, pour the content into a large glass jar, together with 1 liter of water, the sugar and stir until it is all well dissolved. Add the remaining alcohol, and also add the infusions already prepared.
Mix well and leave for another week, shaking at least once a day.
After this time has lapsed, filter the liquor well several times, through a special filter or using a double layer of gauze. The liquor should be clear.
Transfer into bottles and seal.
Store in a dark place for at least 1 month before serving.

Recipe by Giovanna Tramonte

This recipe is published in "La cucina di casa mia"

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