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White Bait au Gratin

250g White-bait, 30g pecorino cheese, 30g parmesan cheese, Breadcrumbs, 1 egg, Olive oil, Salt and pepper to taste, Parsley.

the White-bait

With the aid of a strainer having small holes, wash the white-bait under running water carefully. Lay the small fish on a plate and season with salt and pepper, a drizzle of olive oil, half the quantity of pecorino and parmesan, the parsley and a little of the dry breadcrumbs.
Beat the egg separately with a fork and gently add it to the white-bait. Be careful to handle this procedure well as the white-bait is easily damaged.
Spread the mixture onto an aluminum tray and cover with the remaining cheese and bread crumbs. Place in the oven at 180 degrees for 10 minutes or until the dish reaches the gratin stage.

The White-bait after the oven

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