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Churches - St. Mary the Mother of the Church (Jaddico)

This church, also known as "Church of Jaddico" is located in the country a few km north of Brindisi, along the road to Bari.

It was built between 1963 and 1965 by incorporating the wall of an ancient church, probably built by the Crusaders, with a painting (fresco) of Our Lady who keeps Jesus with one hand and a rooster with the left hand; that's why this area is called Jaddico (the dialect form of Gallico, that comes from "rooster" in Italian).
On this wall, during 1962 and 1963 there were some apparitions of Our Lady, so a group of citizens headed by Teodoro D'Amici started the building of the church.

Photogallery - Click on the thumbnails to enlarge
1 - Inside: the wall of the ancient church
2 - The wall of the ancient church, back side
3 - Fresco of Our Lady on the ancient wall
4 - Fountain of spring-water
5 - Stone of the apparition of Our Lady
Correlated documents:
» Brindisi during the Ages of the Crusaders
» Link: Official website

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