MONUMENT (The "Big Rudder")

Crossing the Pigonati
Channel you enter the main port, naturally divided
in two parts, West and East Coves; at this point one
meets the Italian Sailor Monument (called also the Big
Rudder) built in 1933 in the shape of a rudder,
which stands 54 meters tall.
Together with the Romans Columns it is considered the
symbol of the city.
It was planned by Luigi Brunati and Amerigo Bartoli
and built out of local solid stone of a beautiful golden
colour. It's 53 mts. high.The funds for this construction
took approximately 10 years to collect and the famous
tenor Tito Schipa took a particular interest in this
project contributing the takings from his concerts.
At the base of the
monument is a sacred chapel in memory of the fallen
sailors during both world wars as well as the bell from
the battle ship Benedetto Brin , which sank
in the port of Brindisi in 1915. Inside there are engraved
the names of the 6.000 italian sailors fallen during
the first war world, to whose memory the monument has
been dedicated.
On the upper large square are kept the anchors of the
Austro-Hungarian battleships "Tegethoff" and
"Viribus Unitis" sunk by the Italians in 1918
as well two submarine cannons of the same era.
A marble Our Lady statue
has been put at the top of the monument in 1954.
From the top of monument the panoramic view to the city
and harbour is most impressive (photo).
Timetable fot visiting
the Italian Sailor Monument:
Every day ( 09.00 am - 01.00 pm; 04.30 pm - 07.00 pm.
- closed on Thursdays)
Free entrance
- Click on the thumbnails to enlarge |
the entrance |
View from harbour |
Side view |
Sacred Chapel |
View from
the base |
Bird's eye views |
Anchor |
Submarine cannon |
Mappa: where
is the Sailor Monument |